Official Name: Federated States of Dascunya

Digraph/Trigraph: FS/FSD

Telephone Area Code: xxx

Population: 64 milion inh.

Area: 1,925,000 km²

Capital: Danheim

Government: Federal and democratic


Currency: Guard (because of the civil war, 1 G equals only 0.09 CHRC)

Languages: Dascunyan, Uhlanian, Ançaldan

National Colors: Black, yellow and dark blue


National Anthem: "The glory of the states"

National Motto: "Democracy and Equality"

Religions: Cruisian 85%, Jew 10%, Mounist 4%, Other 1%


© David Subirats Vila, Winfried Schroedter. Last update 18 Jun 04 11:22. Impressum