The First Tribes

The first knowledge that we have of the people who lived in Dascunya is that there were 5 tribes: the Gardlies (in the north of Dascunya and Phenixia), the Lumattans (in the Fields), the Klerencies (in the center), the Odemoss (in the south of Dascunya and the north of Angliyaa) and the Leameans (in the southern coast and Uestadenia). In 2570 BP, having been driven out of the Fenis territories in the northeast, the Gardlies began a war to expand their territory to the south. They at first conquered the Lumattans' land, and afterwards the Klerencies. The Odemoss were a tribe of hunters, and the Gardlies couldn't conquer them alone, so, the Gardlies requested help to the Leameans, and the Odemoss were conquered in 2310 BP. In 2100 BP, in Dascunya coexisted two chiefdoms: Dascagnia (Gardlies) and Uestadagnia (Leameans).

The Invasion

In 1946 BP, the Lilian Empire began the invasion of Dascagnia. First, the Liliani army, commanded by Augusto Claudio, conquered the north of Dascagnia, after the Werrian Battle, where Fergus, chieftain of Dascagnia was killed. After that battle, the Liliani army had no problems to conquer all Dascagnia. In 1890 BP, the Liliani empire began the war against Uestadagnia which was conquered completely in 1862 BP.

The Provinces of the Empire

In 1703, Dascagnia was provlaimed Province of the Liliani Empire, and Uestadagnia became a province too. The Lilianis introduced their language to the provinces. All the names were tranlated to Liliani: Dascagnia became Dascugnium, Uestadagnia became Uestadegnium (the Lilianian is the base of the current languages of the Republic of Dascunya). The Empire of Liliana was expanded to the south, conquering the north of Angliyaa (proclaimed province of Caesaria) and to the east, conquering the western territory of Phenixia (proclaimed territory of Faeniccia Minor). So, in the southern territory of the Empire of Liliana, there were four provinces: Dascugnium, Uestadegnium, Caesaria and Faeniccia Minor.

To the West

In 1398, the Empire of Liliana began the war against Lendia. Lendia was a nation that was stopping the expansionist interests of Liliana. The Empire of Liliana decided to conquer Lendia in July of 1398. In 1342 the Lilian empire conquered Percevejan (since then Lendian territory), and proclaimed the Province of Percevejanis Nova. In 1156 all the Lendian territory was conquered by the Liliani empire.

The Counties

Liliana saw that the extensive terrritory of Dascugnium and Uestadegnium was difficult to control, and abolished the provinces to divide the territory in counties. Dascugnium was divided in eight counties: Vilina, Ystria, Odeland, Devrognia, Gardmoor, Klerengard, Ockenham and Angialda. And Uestadegnium was divided in three counties: Zorriaga, Adnemar and Fluvis. All the counts had to swear fidelity to the Emperor of Liliana. In 712 BP the counties of Ystria,Vilinia, Odeland, Gardmoor and Klerengard in Dascunya, and all the counties of Uestadenia, began a revolution against the Empire of Liliana. The counties of Devrognia, Okenham and Angialda didn't participate in the revolution, and fought against the rebel counties.

The Kingdoms after the Liliani Empire

In 700 BP, the rebel counties won the war and proclaim the Kingdom of Dascunya in Dascunya, and the Kingdom of Uestadenia in Uestadenia. The counties of Angialda and Devrognia could not be conquered by the Dascunyan royal army, and, after the desaparition of Liliana, proclaimed the Kingdom of Ançalda, so, the territory was divided in three kingdoms: Ançalda, Dascunya and Uestadenia (the Kingdom of Uestadenia included in its territory the old Lilian province of Caesaria, of the north of Angliyaa, and the Kingdom of Dascunya included in its territory the old Lilian province of Faeniccia Minor, in the west of Phenixia).

The Gardmoor Dynasty

The first king of Dascunya was William I "The Clever", of the Gardmoor dynasty. William I transferred the capital from Drekan to Saint Hugues. He maintained a non agression politic with the neighbour nations (Kingdom of Uestadenia, Kingdom of Ançalda, Kingdom of Angliyaa, Confederated Counties of Phenixia, Reign of Fenia, and Kingdom of Neoliliana.). William I died in 679 BP, and William II "The Warrior" was proclaimed king. William II began a little conflict with the Kingdom of Uestadenia, and conquered the city of Deltland in 662 BP. In 655 BP his son, Edward I "The Youth" was proclaimed king. He expansionated Dascunya to the east with the marriage of his second son Edward with Claire of Francie, and his third son Lawrence with Teresa of Iberie (Francie and Iberie were two counties of the Confederated Counties). When Edward died, his first son William III "The Christian" was proclaimed king. William III built the Cathedral of Saint Hugues, the Cathedral of Danheim and the Chateaubleu Abbey. He died without masculin descendence, and his first daughter, Rose, was married with Charles-Albert of Klerengard, beginning the dynasty of the Klerengards (with King Charles-Albert of Dascunya, proclaimed king in 600 BP).

The Klerengard Dynasty

Charles-Albert was proclaimed king of Dascunya in 600 BP. He built the port of Danheim and the Royal Palace of Saint Hugues. In 572 BP, Edward II "The Great" was proclaimed king. He was married with Johanna of Ançalda, so, he unified the both kingdoms in the Dascunyan and Ançaldan Crown. Edward II died in 548 BP, and his first son, William IV, was proclaimed king. William IV defeated the Fields Rebelion, a peasants rebelion against the autority of the king. In 520 BP, after the death of William IV, Alexander I "The Explorer" was proclaimed king of the Dascunyan-Ançaldan Crown. But he was a good statege, and he was married with Lorenza of Uestadenia, so he unified the three kingdoms in one. The first name of the kingdom was Kingdom of Dascunya, Uestadenia and Ançalda, but it was too large, and it was called Kingdom of Dascunya. Alexander I organized a powerful navy to explore the eastern coast of Bowdani, a weak kingdom in 490 BP. In 487 BP, Alexander I conquered the eastern coast of Bowdani. In 481 BP, Rodolf I was proclaimed king of Dascunya. Rodolf I proclaimed the new conquered territory Principate of Bowestra, and gave it to his second son Peter, proclaimed Prince of Bowestra. In 452 BP, William V "The Magnificient" was proclaimed king of Dascunya. He was married with Catherin of Angliyaa, and unified the most powerful kingdoms of the south of the continent: Dascunya and Angliyaa. The territory was renamed to Anglyodascunyan Crown.

The Longerathian Wars

But in 427 BP, the Kingdom of Estontetso, on the northern frontier of the Crown, began the invasion of the recently unified kingdom. In 410 BP, the Estontetsan armies conquered Ançalda, Southern Divana, Terrablanca and the Angliyodascunyan possessions in the west of Phenixia. In 392 BP Estontetso conquered the capital of the Angliyodascunyan Crown: Saint Hugues, in Templarianna. In 254 BP, all the territory of the Angliyodascunyan Crown was conquered except the south of Angliyaa and the Principate of Bowestra. In 238, the Angliyaan army began a war against the Estontetsan army. The center of the war was the Dascunyan territory. These wars were called the Longerathian Wars. The Angliyaan army, with the suport of the Dascunyan people, liberated all the Dascunyan territory after 100 years, except for the possessions in Phenixia which joined the Union of Counties of Phenixia.

The Restauration of the Monarchy

After the liberation, the Kingdom of Angliyaa and the Kingdom of Dascunya did not maintain their union, and were separated, but both kings were of the same dynasty, the Sourvonnis. The first king of the Sourvonnis was Edward IV. He wanted to re-establish contact with the Principate of Bowestra, but it became totally independent after the Longerathian Wars, and Prince Ivan was member of the Klerengard dynasty, and he did not want another person to be his king. Edward IV died in 122 BP. His son, William VII, was proclaimed king of Dascunya. William VII was a totally absolutist king. He had the three powers in his hands: the legislative, the executive, and the justice. It was a period of absolute kings. In 88 BP, after the death of William VII, his son, Rodolf I was proclaimed king of Dascunya. He maintained the absolutism, and built the Royal Operahouse of Saint Hugues, and the Palace of Restuailles in Chateaubleu. In 27 BP, the king died, and his son Edward V was proclaimed king of Dascunya.  Edward V was the last king before the plague. He builded the Petrogrod Royal Library and recompiled all the books written about Dascunya and the library was closed, and was forbidden to re-open until 25 years, to protect the books from the imminent danger of the plague.

The Plague

In Dascunya, the plague devastated all the territory except the nort-east mountains, some places of Ançalda and the southern region of forests. The plague killed more than one half of the population of Dascunya, and was a period of horror. The most affected zones were Templarianna, Danheim, Solianah and Hedehary.

The Five Years of Horror

The next 5 years after the big plague in Dascunya were horrible. A lot of houses were destroyed, the fields of cereals were desolated and the animals in the farms were dead. In these 5 years Dascunya was in complete anarchy, and the general economy was poor. In 3 AP, a strong migratory movement devastated Dascunya another time. The migrants left Dascunya in 4 AP, when they occupied Angliyaa. In 5 AP, Ludmil I, grandson of Edward V was proclaimed king of Dascunya, but the people of the kingdom did not want another absolutist king, and a civil war began between the monarchist followers and the republican ones.

The I Civil War

The initial situation of the war was; under monarchic control: Danheim, Templarianna, Hedehary and Solianah; under republican control: Uestadenia, Southern Divana and Hendenven. Ançalda proclaimed its independence. At first, the monarchists were victorious in the Battle of Gradak (Hendenven) and in the Battle of Oldtrees (Southern Divana), but the republican army answered quickly in the Battle of River Twans and in the Siege of Saint Hugues. After 7 years of war, the monarchist army proclaimed its rendition in Yorque (Templarianna), and was proclaimed the I Republic of Dascunya in 12 AP.

The First Republic

The first elections of Dascunya were in 14 AP. There were 2 important parties, the Liberal Party and the National Party. The Liberal Party representated the progressist movement of Dascunya, and it won the elections, presenting Ygor Hesslet for president. Mr. Hesslet was the first president of Dascunya. At the same time, Ançalda was proclaimed Republic, and Rimsky Reuter won the Ançaldan elections for the Ançaldan Conservative Union (ACU). The both presidents established good relations, and in 16 AP, the Republic of Dascunya and the Republic of Ançalda signed the Treaty of Union, constituating the Union of Federal Democratic Republics (UFDR). This project wasn't succesfull and the both republics broke the union in 31 AP, during the government of the 3rd president of the Republic of Dascunya, Mr. Alfred Coper.

The Tartini's Proclamation and the Restauration

In 59 AP, the General Massimiliano Tartini, with a big sector of the army, proclaimed the Kingdom of Dascunya. The republican partidaries were killed by the dictatorial armies, and Tartini established a very hard dictatorial nation. In 64 AP, General Massimiliano Tartini left the power and gave it to the successor of Ludmil I. The successor of Ludmil I, Edward VI, was proclaimed new king in 65 AP, and declared the republic abolished, after killing the more important representers of the democratic parties. In 97 AP, after the death of Edward VI, Ludmil II was proclaimed king. He declared the war against the Republic of Ançalda. In 107 AP, the Republic of Ançalda was occupied by the royal Dascunyan armies, and was integred into the Kingdom of Dascunya. In 139 AP, Charles-Albert III was proclaimed King of Dascunya, but in 153 AP, the people of Dascunya began a revolution against the monarchy.

The Dascunyan Revolution

The majority of the people of Dascunya did not recognize the autority of the king and the Dascunyan Revolution began in 153 AP. The people, with the help of a sector of the army, attacked the Royal Palace of Restuailles and killed King Charles-Albert III and all his family. The monarchist sectors of Dascunya were conquered by the people and the Republic was re-established in 162 AP.

The II Republic

The first president of the second republican period was Richard Edwardson, of the Radical Liberal Party (RLP). Mr. Edwardson governed 8 years, and in 170, Edgar Odemossian was elected president (member of the RLP too). President Odemossian built the Parliament of Danheim, and transferred the capital to Danheim. He was murdered in 177. The next president was William Heisler, of the Conservative Party. In 182, it was created in Ançalda the Republican Independentist Movement (RIM), and in 183 began its terrorist actions (the Ministry of Internal Affairs was killed in a meeting). In 185 Serguei Yevgenovic was elected president (member of the RLP). He founded the Dascunyan Public School and he builded the universities of Widdman and Petrogrod. During the period between 185 and 209 AP, the Republic of Dascunya was governed by the Radical Liberal Party. In the 210 AP, the comunism and the anarchism had their golden age, and in Dascunya appeared the Anarchist Union, the Socialist Unified Party, the Dascunyan Comunist Party, the Red Flag Party, the Socialist Confederation of Dascunya and the Anarchist Syndical Agrupation. There were created also the Nationalist Party of Ançalda and the Ançaldan Union, and the most radical and fascist party, the Dascunyan Force. In the elections of the 210, the Dascunyan Comunist Party, the Red Flag Party and the Socialist Unified Party were united (called People's Union), and they won the elections, these were the results: People's Union: 73,2%; Radical Liberal Party: 11,1%; National Party: 5%; Anarchist Union: 7,1% and Socialist Confederation of Dascunya: 3,6%. So, Frederik Varx was elected president and he established a comunist democracy. The next elections, in 214, the People's Union won again and Varx mantained his presidency. But in 218 AP, General Fergus Gerrer began a revolution of the army against the democracy. The revolution was supported by Dascunyan Force and the National Party, the two fascist parties of Dascunya.

The Gerrer's Revolution and the Dictadure

The rebel army, with Gerrer as Captain General, began a revolution against the Republic. Almost all the army was partidary of Gerrer, and only a few divisions were partidaries of the Republic. The war began in 218 AP, in Uestadenia. The rebel army conquered Adnemar and Zavana (the two more important cities of Uestadenia), and then Bridgecross, Uhlangrad and Jezen (Hedehary). The republican armies couldn't stop the rebel ofensive, and requested help from the democratic nations of Vexillium. In 219 AP, the Republic received the International Brigades (a division of voluntary soldiers to help the Republic), and those Brigades reconquered Jezen. But in 220, the rebel army conquered Jezen again and Rossinia after. All the south was in rebel hands. In 221 AP, all the republican forces were concentrated in the fire line of northern Solianah, and the rebel armies began an amphibian assault against Danheim, which was a surprise for the republican government, and Danheim was conquered. In 221, only Ançalda was under the republican government, and after the Battle of Juna, all the republican territory was conquered in March of 222 AP. The Dictadure (dictatorship) of General Fergus Gerrer lasted 39 years. During this period all the human rights were violated, and Dascunya was into a fascist totalitary system. In 261 AP, after the death of Gerrer, the people wanted the democracy.

The III Republic

In 262, the dictatorial system was defeated and Dascunya restablished the democracy. The Comunist and Socialist Union (CSU) won the elections and Edgar Radomir was proclaimed president. In 266 E. Radomir was re-elected, and he opened definitely the frontiers of Dascunya to all the world. In 273 the Blackriver Petroleum Group was founded in Drekan, it was a union of the Black Petro Company and the Petroleum River Corporation. In that year also was born Zertan motors, the first motors company of Dascunya and of the world, and the Yellow Star Chemistries. In 282 Robert Erikson builded the Statue of Democracy in Danheim, and in 286 the Dascunyan Football National Team won the Vexillium Cup of Bowdani '86. In 291 Ançalda was proclaimed Protectorate, and in 295, the Progress Party won the elections. The Progress Party was an union of the CSU and the Anarchist Union. A big part of the military sector didn't agree that party, and in 297, Petr Exner, with the help of the army, destroyed the democracy and proclaimed a dictatorship.


The Republic of Dascunya was renamed to Nation of Uhlan. Petr Exner was proclaimed Captain General of Uhlan, and the capital was transferred to Petrogrod. It was a very hard dictatorship system, and the people didn't want it. Exner abolished the status of Protectorate of Ançalda and created the Political Police of Uhlan (UPP). The UPP captured a lot of democratic leaders and followers of the revolution. In the spring of 298, the people couldn't wait more. (Exner is still leader of West Uhlan.)

The II Civil War

In June of 298, the Uhlanian Civil Revolutionary Comitee (UCRC) and the Revolutionary Comitee for a new Dascunya (RCFND) were born. In the beginnings, the Uhlanian army was supported by the Republic of Davenport, and the UNV Armies occupied a part of the northern fightline. After the Davenportian Army had returned to Davenport, the revolutionary movements occupied easily all the Uhlanian territory except the center. The UCRC, the RCFND and the Uhlanian Army accorded the Uhlanian rendition, and made a peace treaty. The UCRC and the RCFND were disolved to create the Republic of Dascunya again.

The Revolutionary Republic

After the war, it was instaured a Provisional Government called Revolutionary Council. This government restablished the democracy and convoqued elections. The National Democratic Confederation (a progressist party) won the elections, and Mr. Subirats was proclaimed President of the Republic of Dascunya. He re-established the status of Protectorate of Ançalda, and later proclaimed the Autonomy of Ançalda. In July of 298 the Reupblic of Dascunya closed the relations with the Free Confederation of Lendian Republics because the Confederation annexed the territory of Lok Islands. In August of 298 the Revolutionary Republic was abolished to create the IV Republic.

The IV Republic

Mr. Subirats, after a total transition to the democracy, traspassed his power to Mr. Alexander Shostakovich who was proclaimed President. The Republic changed its revolutionary symbols and flags to a new ones, and tried to re-open relations with the Free Confederation.

The Secession War

In the autumn of 299, the southern armies began a sublevation against the Republic that resulted in the division of Dascunya in three independent nations (Republic of Dascunya, Republic of Ançalda and Kingdom of Dascunya). The sublevation was powered by the king, Ludmil V of Dascunya.

The Dauvinitz Negotiations

After a long period of division, the two Dascunyas decided to be reunified in the Federated States of Dascunya (FSD), and a week later, the Republic of Ançalda joined the FSD in the Scevrenika Pact. The Federated Republic of Ançalda retained its own government but was put under a DFA protection.

The Constitution of the FSD was created in Dauvinitz between March 28th and April 2nd, 300. Since, Dascunya is formed of ten states, eight of them under a republican democracy and two of them under a democratic parlamentary monarchy.

Ançalda, however, left the Federation in 303.

The Failure of the Traüser/Santana Government ("III Civil War")

The Federated States of Dascunya were led by an extremely weak government under President Mikhail Traüser and Vice-President Marcos Santana. They did not succeed in really uniting the federated states which each developed a strong self-conscious­ness. In the end, the states began military raids against each other on various, obscure grounds. During their campaigns, they even retreated on neighbour nations' territory and caused Feniz to organize a warlike defence operation.

Under control of the High Commission

Counter-measures by Feniz led to a joint Estontetsan/Fenizic peacekeeping mission putting the country under control of High Commissioners General Eng. Fernão Pires and General Dr. Speidel. Finally the installation of a new powerful government became possible in mid-305. Helmut Rosenkohl was sworn in as new President, and Joseph Pècheur as Vice President. To end the quarrels, they arranged a meeting of the states' heads of government. The parties attending accepted a pact. Those not attending were dismissed and arrested by peacekeeping forces.


© David Subirats Vila, Winfried Schroedter. Last update 17 Feb 08 03:10. Impressum