The Government of Rosardan

CONSTITUTION -- Rosardan is a constitutional principality. The present constitution, which dates to 115, suppressed during the occupation of Rosardan by Merité, was restored upon the resumption of Rosardannach independence on the collapse of Merité.

TERRITORIAL SUBDIVISIONS -- The major subdivisions are the three provinces, Rosartuath, Tirros, and Anardeas. Each is governed by an executive council elected by the citizenry, and (except in Anardeas) a governor appointed by the Prince. Under the terms of the Treaty of Salisbaile of 66 by which the territory of Arnardeas became a province of Rosardan, the governor of Arnardeas is the traditional leader (Glicflath) of the Anardean people.

EXEUCTIVE POWER -- The Prince and Council of Ministers constitute the executive branch of the government. The Prince is the head of State. Ministers of the government are appointed by the Prince to head the several ministries. One minister may hold more than one portfolio, as in the case of the government of 299 A.P., in which J.P. Benjamin holds the porfolios of both Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs. The prime minister is the chairman of the Council of Ministers. Ministers may not be members of Parliament, but have the privilege of taking seats in the houses of parliament and joining in debate on matters affecting their respective ministries.

LEGISLATIVE POWER -- The principle legislative body is Parliament, consisting of the General Assembly and the Council of Elders.

Seats in the General Assembly are allocated among the provinces, with the number of Assemblymen to number no more than 1 for every 15,000 citizens. At present there are 97 member of the Assembly: 28 for Rosartuath; 36 for Tirros; and 33 for Anardeas. Assemblymen are elected every five years, or sooner if an Assembly is dissolved by Decree of the Prince.

The Council of Elders is composed of 15 members. Three members are elected by each of the three Provincial Executive Councils, and six members are appointed by the Prince. Members of the Council of Elders are elected or appointed for life.

Bills may be introduced in either the General Assembly or the Council of Elders. Upon passage by both bodies, bills are submitted to the Price for approval. With the approval of the Prince, the bill becomes an Act.

Legislation may also be passed by the Council of Ministers. Such legislation, upon approval by the Prince, becomes a Decree. A Decree has the same force as an Act, but may not impose penal sanctions or taxes unless authorised by an Act.

HIGH COMMISSION IN ROSARDAN -- For the time being, the duties of Head of State and Prime Minister are executed by the HCIR President and High Commissioner, respectively.

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