
Related topic: Armed Forces

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The A&O in Defence Technology

RA&O provides defence products to the Armed Forces of Feniz.

RA&O will sell its products to other states after governmental agreement.

RA&O is 100% state owned.

RA&O Organization

Board of Directors
Programmes Resources Finance Personnel Development Marketing Public Relations
*) 50% owned by Fenizabad Shipyard Corporation, a subsidiary of OF
Steel Division

(flag to follow)

Electronics Division

(flag to follow)

Aeronautical Division

(flag to follow)

RA&O Civil Systems (RAOCISY)
RAOCISY of Utania
Royal Shipyard*)

RA&O Products

RA&O's product range comprises  
A joint venture of RA&O and Fenizabad Shipyard Corporation, the Royal Shipyard, produces

RA&O Customers

RA&O's main customers are

If you are interested in our products, please do not hesitate to contact us!

RA&O Civil Systems

starting as

RAOCISY is producing the brand-new operating system for personal computers developed by the Emir Dr. I'Foundpat-Role University, Fenizabad:

the mnemonic abbreviation of the Frankisch - although self-explaning - term
FENizisches STabiles Elektronen-Rechner operating system.

It is said to outdate the usual
    W estrian
     I   ndividual
    N  ew (some say Naughty)
    D  isk-
    O  perating
    W arlock (some say Washing = Disk-Washing ;-)
    S  ystem.

FENSTER boasts the following features:
Auto-Detect (... the hardware components of your PC)
Auto-Install (... your software, whatever it is)
Auto-Repair (... your software if it broke down)
Auto-Connect (... to network, telephone,, whatever is needed for the actual task)
Auto-Format (something like "what do you want to do"; selects the correct application for your task)

If you are interested in our products, please do not hesitate to contact us!

RAOCISY of Utania

RAOCISY of Utania was founded on 27th June, 302AP, in order to facilitate imports of RAOCISY products to Utania. Insofar, it is only a marketing firm.

It is planned, however, to build own production facilities in Utania.

If you are interested in our products, please do not hesitate to contact us!


© by Winfried Schroedter - last update of this page on 07. Mai 2007 10:33 +0200
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